The Home Team Program Evaluation

The Home Team is a multidimensional youth-support program committed to improving the lives of Miami-Dade County public school students through engagement with academic, sports, and business leaders. Serving the community since January 2016, the program fosters an inclusive and affirming environment for children in the greater Miami area who have limited prospects and few mentors to guide and encourage them to achieve goals and pursue their passions. Because they understand the critical role that structured programs play in complementing the public-school experience, they provide several programs across various disciplines and group ages. These include literacy prep, homework assistance, robotics, coding, performing arts, environmental science, sports, and anti-bullying. To read the entire evaluation, click here.

Prepared by:
Maria Amezquita, MPA Student, University of Miami
Michelle Ruales, MPA Student, University of Miami
Rayna L. Stoycheva, PhD, Faculty Advisor, University of Miami

Outcomes Linked to High-Quality Afterschool Programs: Longitudinal Findings from the Study of Promising Afterschool Programs

A new study by researchers at the University of California, Irvine, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Policy Studies Associates, Inc. finds that regular participation in high-quality afterschool programs is linked to significant gains in standardized test scores and work habits as well as reductions in behavior problems among disadvantaged students. These gains help offset the negative impact of a lack of supervision after school. The two-year study followed almost 3,000 low-income, ethnically diverse elementary and middle school students from eight states in six major metropolitan centers and six smaller urban and rural locations. About half of the young people attended high-quality afterschool programs at their schools or in their communities. To read the entire article click here.

Prepared by:
University of California, Irvine
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Policy Studies Associates, Inc.

Prepared with the support of:
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation